[storm] Type checking

Ben Wilber benwilber at gmail.com
Sat Feb 14 17:22:26 GMT 2009


Is there a way to have storm do the type coercion automatically when I
try to set an attribute?  Example:

class MyTable(object):
  __storm_table__ = "my_table"
  id = Int(primary=True)
  num = Int()
  name = Unicode()

m = MyTable()
m.num = "12345" # Raises exception
m.name = 12345 # Raises exception

both values are easily coerced to the appropriate type, but when
building up a list (ie from a <form> submit), I have to first check
for safe input, then coerce from str to int, or unicode etc.  Which
means that the methods I use to sanitize form input and put it in the
database have to know/care what type storm expects.  It seems to me
that this is something that could just be done by storm itself and
raise a CoercionError or something if the conversion isn't possible
like m.num = "bob"

Right now I'm just maintaining a dict of dicts (for each attribute)
containing all the meta info about each:

MyTableDict = {
  {"num": {"type": 0}},
  {"name": {"type": u"", "max": 25}},

I use the max attribute to know the max length of the field ( can
storm do this? )  I type check against each "type" value in the dict
to determine what I should try to coerce the form input to.

This is probably amateur, but I really don't know of a better way.

Any help would be great.



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