[storm] Announcing Storm 0.15!

Stuart Bishop stuart.bishop at canonical.com
Mon Aug 10 14:28:29 BST 2009

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:42 PM, Jamu Kakar<jkakar at kakar.ca> wrote:

> A new GenerationalCache is available.  It can be used in place of
> the default Cache and will likely become the default in the future.
> You can use it by passing it as a parameter to Store:

> Also note that the default cache size has been increased from 100
> objects to 1000.  Please try the new cache and report your results
> to mailing list.

Launchpad has been running in production with the generational cache
for a few weeks now. It is running great. Various components are
running with cache sizes of 10000, 5000 and 500. Some components have
a single store, others 2-4, and the web application servers have 4
stores per thread (4*4 == 16 or 32 * 4 ==128 GenerationalCache
instances each with a cache size of 10000).

Stuart Bishop <stuart at stuartbishop.net>

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