[storm] Latin-1 Character Set

kevin gill kevin at movieextras.ie
Tue Oct 28 19:52:26 GMT 2008

I have been trying out storm and stormcontainer with Zope3 today. It is
nice and simple. Great product.

I had one problem, that my database is latin-1 (historic reasons) and
storm is hard-coded to UTF-8. I modified the code in
databases/postgres.py, line 365'ish to set the connection to LATIN1,
rather than UTF8. That got me over my problem.

I am posting a note in case anyone else has the same problem in the future.

A better solution might be...

line 329:
    self._encoding = uri.options.get('charset', 'UTF8')

line  365:

line 266:
    statement = statement.encode(self._database._encoding)

line 282:
    yield param.encode(self._database._encoding)

And add a &encoding=latin1 to your postgresql uri.


Kevin Gill

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