[storm] Escaping columns names in mysql

Jamu Kakar jkakar at canonical.com
Wed Oct 22 21:53:25 BST 2008

Hi Piotr,

Piotr Jackowski wrote:
> At the beginning I would like to remark that I'm new to Python and Storm.

Welcome! :)

> First of all I'm unable to load storm.tracer module:
>       from storm.tracer import debug:
>       ImportError: No module named tracer
> But probably this is an issue for ubuntu  team and I can leave without
> it for now.

I believe the tracer module was released in 0.13.  In the meantime,
you can do:

from storm import database
database.DEBUG = True

This will write SQL statements to stdout as they're being executed.

> The second issue more important.
> I wanted to use Storm with existing mysql database and one of the 
> columns names is: 'long' which is also sql kyeword.
> So every time in my queries I have to escape colums names like for 
> example: SELECT ... WHERE `long` = 100.
> And I think Strom doesn't escape columns names so it's completely 
> useless for me :(

This is a bug.  Storm does escape column names but 'long' is missing
from its list of reserved words.  I believe you can do the following
to work around the bug for now:

from storm.databases import mysql

As an aside, you may want to consider avoiding reserved words for
column names, but you probably already know that. :)


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