[storm] Storm with VIEWS : storm.exceptions.ClassInfoError: <class 'orm.Param'> has no primary key information

Gabriel Rossetti gabriel.rossetti at arimaz.com
Wed Nov 12 19:39:03 GMT 2008

Hello Gustavo,
> Hi Gabriel,
>> I am trying to use Storm with MySQL views, but I get an exception that I
>> didn't add a primary key, but there is no need to (since it's a view,
>> unless I mistaking). How Can I get this to work?
> If you want to handle view entries as actual objects, right now Storm
> needs a primary key to relate objects to view entries.  It may be a
> composed key, but it's needed.
Ok, I would have to generate one since my view is an UNION in between 
two tables.
> We may improve this in the future to make it work without object
> identities for cases like this, but then the retrieved objects would
> miss any relation to the database as soon as they are retrieved.
Ok, I'll just use raw SQL for this then, I don't really need to cache it 
since I turn the results into XML and send them off.


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