[storm] use storm from existing db-scheme

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Mon Mar 24 14:53:52 GMT 2008

Hey Adrian,

>>  > additionally i want to know if storm can make use of the postgresql
>>  > schema-feature, because my tables are all ordered to schemas.
>> We're postgres users ourselves, but I don't know what you mean
>> by "schema-feature", or "ordered to schemas".
> I believe the OP is asking whether Storm recognizes schema notation;
> schema.table_name

Oh, thanks for clarifying.  My mind was still in the context of
schema management/detection/etc, and didn't switch over to the
"namespacing" schema concept.

Yes, Storm should support it correctly if you declare a table to
be part of a given schema.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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