[storm] problem with unicode found as string

James Henstridge james at jamesh.id.au
Tue Mar 18 04:26:36 GMT 2008

On 18/03/2008, shawn bright <nephish at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey there all
>  i keep ending up with this same problem with storm.
>  Today i have another clue.
>  Our software needs to be case sensitive, we recently changed hardware
>  servers and i noticed that a Varchar table with a Unicode character
>  set was not
>  seeing the difference between 'w' and 'W'. The way i solved this on
>  the older server was to set the binary flag in the mysql column. As
>  soon as i did, i was getting storm errors everywhere about expecting
>  type Unicode and getting type string.
>  I am running MySql version 5.0.45-1ubuntu
>  python-mysqldb version 1.2.2-3-1ubuntu
>  ( not sure what the 1ubuntu means, just part of the numbering system
>  of my preferred linux flavor, i suppose.)

This sounds like you're seeing locale specific collation rules.
Perhaps the following pages might help:


If you set the collation rule to a case sensitive one, then you should
see the results you expect.


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