[storm] some questions about Storm (from the perspective of Grok)

Bernd Dorn bernd.dorn at lovelysystems.com
Sat Mar 15 17:47:06 GMT 2008

On 15.03.2008, at 07:14, Stuart Bishop wrote:

> Nobody mentioned integration with DBAs. You should hear the rants  
> I've heard
> about Ruby on Rails for instance - if the core product does schema
> generation it is is earmarked as 'for noddy applications only' and  
> will be
> vetoed in many larger shops, because the applications need to  
> integrate with
> existing databases and the last thing the DBAs want is some  
> developer making
> use of the schema generation features and then expecting the DBA to  
> somehow
> mesh it with the rest of the systems


i was thinking about this topic in regards to projects i've done up  
till null. i can see no case where auto-schema generation would have a  
benefit, especially when it comes to schema updates.

i really think that the schema generation stuff is just usefull for  
simple examples to impress people with a feature that wont work for  
real world applications.

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