[storm] Storm 0.12 is out!

Jodok Batlogg jodok at lovelysystems.com
Mon Jan 28 21:40:46 GMT 2008

On 28.01.2008, at 19:42, Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> On behalf of the Storm development team, I'm proud to announce that
> the release 0.12 is out!  This is a very exciting release, as it
> brings several fixes and quite a few new features.

great! congratulations


> Thank you very much to everyone who contributed.
> Storm is available at: https://storm.canonical.com
> Improvements
> ------------
> - The Connection will reconnect automatically when connection
>   drops are detected and a rollback is performed.  As a result,
>   the Store should handle reconnections in a seamless way in
>   most circumstances (#94986, by James Henstridge).  This is
>   supported in the MySQL and PostgreSQL backends.
> - Store.flush() will not load values inserted in the database.
>   Instead, undefined variables are set to AutoReload, and resolved
>   once first accessed.  This won't be noticeable in normal usage,
>   but will boost the performance of inserts.
> - Support in the postgres backend to use the RETURNING extension of
>   the INSERT statement to retrieve the primary key on inserts for
>   object identity mapping (PostgreSQL >= 8.2 only)
> - Introduced a cache mechanism that keeps the N last retrieved objects
>   in memory to optimize cases where the same object is retrieved
>   often while no strong references are kept elsewhere.  Implemented by
>   Bernd Dorn, from Lovely Systems.
> - Improved support for TimeDelta properties on all backends.  Many
>   more formats are accepted now, and some issues were fixed.
> Bug fixes
> ---------
> - TimeDelta was added to storm.locals.
> - Fixed TimeDelta support in SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL,
>   and enabled base test for all backends to ensure that it
>   continues to work.
> - Schema names are accepted in __storm_table__ when using
>   PostgreSQL as the database (e.g. "schema.table"). (#146580,
>   reported by James Mayfield)
> - Test runner handles path correctly on Windows, and SQLite
>   tests won't break (patch by Ali Afshar).
> - In the SQLite backend, ensure that we're able to recommit a
>   transaction after "database is locked" errors.  Also make sure
>   that when this happens the timeout is actually the expected
>   one (patch by Richard Boulton)
> - TransactionFailedError is now imported from the public
>   place: ZODB.POSException (#129715, by James Henstridge).
> - TimeDelta was added to storm.locals.
> - Tables named with reserved keywords are properly escaped.
> - Reserved keywords on column names are properly escaped when
>   part of an insert or update statement (#184849, by Thomas Herve).
> - Prevent cached objects from issuing selects to retrieve their
>   data when find()s were previously made and already brough
>   their data (#174388, reported and fixed by Bernd Dorn).
> - Fixed bug which caused an object to be readded to the store
>   when a reference of an object that had already been removed
>   was looked up.
> - Prevent pathological case which happens when a statement like
>   "SELECT ... WHERE table.id = currval(...)" is executed in
>   PostgreSQL.  The change is only meaningful on PostgreSQL < 8.2,
>   as newer versions will use the RETURNING extension instead.
> - Specify both of the joining tables explicitly when compiling Proxy,
>   so that it doesn't break due to incorrect references in the ON  
> clause
>   when multiple tables are used (reported in #162528 by S3ym0ur and
>   Hamilton Tran)
> - MySQL client charset now defaults to UTF-8 (reported
>   by Brad Crittenden).
> -- 
> Gustavo Niemeyer
> http://niemeyer.net
> -- 
> storm mailing list
> storm at lists.canonical.com
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