[storm] Thanks, and questions: SQL reserved keywords; "interface-driven" apps

Stephen Waterbury waterbug at pangalactic.us
Sun Jan 20 21:34:51 GMT 2008

Stephen Waterbury wrote:
> Christopher Armstrong wrote:
>> CREATE TABLE foo ("authorization" INTEGER);
>> works. If you create your schema with properly quoted column names,
>> you should be able to use storm with those column names and not have
>> any problems.
> True -- thanks for the SQL lesson, I didn't know about that!
> However, what about this?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> [elided example of traceback on trying to Storm.add an object with
> an SQL reserved-keyword attribute]
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

So bottom line for my particular application context, which involves
automated table creation and minimization of writing custom SQL commands
(been there done that):  maintaining my underscore-mapping and the
associated one-line patch to storm.expr (which makes Storm.add work for
this example, e.g.) appears for now to be the simplest, lowest-impact
solution for me (better than either quoting every attribute or building
into my application the capability to recognize approximately 400
reserved SQL keywords -- doable, but more than a one-line patch! ;).
YMMV for other applications and contexts, of course.

Thanks again for Storm, and thanks, Chris, for your comments.


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