[storm] Thanks, and questions: SQL reserved keywords; "interface-driven" apps

Christopher Armstrong radix at twistedmatrix.com
Sun Jan 20 14:59:40 GMT 2008

Hi Steve!

On Jan 19, 2008 8:38 PM, Stephen Waterbury <waterbug at pangalactic.us> wrote:
> Now for my questions:
> (1)  Collisions between SQL table/column names and SQL reserved
> keywords are not permitted, as of course you are aware (ref., e.g.,
> <http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/sql-keywords-appendix.html>).
> Having now played with Storm and inspected the code, it seems that
> Storm's way of dealing with this issue is to say "Don't do that!"
> Is that correct?  That is of course a perfectly legitimate design
> decision -- I just wanted confirmation so I know whether I need
> to find my own way to work around it.

Storm automatically escapes SQL keywords that are being used as table
names or column names. You shouldn't need to do anything special to
get it to work. There's no need to actually change the names of your
columns and tables, they just need to be quoted.

> (2)  My app is "interface-driven" rather than "class-driven" --
> i.e., interfaces (I use zope.interface) are the primary containers
> for application metadata, which then gets propagated to classes,
> sql tables, user interfaces, and serialization methods from the
> interfaces (which are themselves generated from external schema,
> such as ontologies).  It's not much of an effort to create
> Storm-style classes from the interfaces automatically --
> I've got that working now.  Is the current plan for Storm
> to continue to be "class-driven" as it is now?  Again, that's
> a legitimate design decision -- I'm just looking for confirmation
> before I continue with my work-around.

There are currently no plans to change this.

Christopher Armstrong
International Man of Twistery

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