[storm] Threading question

Gerdus van Zyl gerdusvanzyl at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 14:32:13 GMT 2008

Ok silly me, it's wasn't a storm problem only the way storm uses
sqlite. There is a sqlite connection parameter check_same_thread that
by default is set to true that was giving me the exception when used
by different threads.

I had to change the storm source (sqlite.py) class SQLite, connect method from:
        raw_connection = sqlite.connect(self._filename, timeout=self._timeout,
        raw_connection = sqlite.connect(self._filename, timeout=self._timeout,


If this small change can be included in some manner that would be great.
So now I can use one store object in my program. It works correctly
since it never uses the store and sqlite concurrently, just from
different threads.


On Jan 11, 2008 5:27 PM, Gerdus van Zyl <gerdusvanzyl at gmail.com> wrote:
> How can I move an object between stores?
> I am getting:
> WrongStoreError: [<class 'model.Entry'> : 22 - Stationary - A - 10] is
> part of another store
> my code looks like this:
>         db = getStore() #thread local store
>         for b in self.biz:
>             oldstore = Store.of(b)
>             oldstore.remove(b)
>             db.add(b)
>         db.flush()
>         db.commit()
> In my GUI application it retrieves a list of items on the main thread
> and calls the above code in another thread in reaction to a click
> event.
> Thanks,
> Gerdus

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