[storm] Storm presentation at Python user group

Brad Allen ballen at zeomega.com
Tue Feb 19 21:39:53 GMT 2008

Hello Stormers,

I am planning to give a brief presentation about Storm at the DFW Python 
user group this coming Saturday, and am looking for some ideas.

Here is my current list of topic ideas:

* briefly review the tutorial for those who missed it in prior meeting
* source code overview, discussion of architecture
* look at test runner
* examine individual tests to see examples of using Storm
* look at TODO list, README, and NEWS released with .12
* look at branches posted in LaunchPad (such as Oracle backend)
* find some interesting tracepoints step through using pdb (such as 
Store.flush() )
* discuss exception injection, which injects Storm exceptions into dbapi 
modules exception inheritance path
* lead into a discussion of using bzr (most of us use SVN)

Can anyone add to this list of ideas, or provide any testimonials about 
why they find Storm interesting or practical?

Also, are there any existing open source projects using Storm, so I can 
show some examples of where it is being used?

Closed source projects using Storm would also be good to hear about. I 
have heard that Canonical Landscape uses Storm, but I am not sure. Also, 
I have not heard any news about whether LaunchPad has successfully 
transitioned from SQLObject to Storm.

I am planning to contrast with SQLAlchemy; some discussions here show 
the thinking which motivated Storm as an alternative to SQLAlchemy



Please let me know if anyone has ideas to suggest.

Brad Allen
Sr. Software Developer

Open Minds' Open Solutions
2591 Dallas Parkway #408
Frisco TX, 75034

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