[storm] execute many?

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Fri Apr 11 14:41:16 BST 2008

Hi Jorgen,

> I'm using storm to great satisfaction. But now that my database needs
> to be upgraded, I am wondering if there is a command like execute()
> but for multiple insertions. The reason is of course obvious, speed

executemany isn't yet exposed through the API, and I agree that this is
certainly something we should do as soon as possible.

> and not having to comma seperate a list of execute actions which makes
> it a bit hard to read and the most important ofcourse is that the
> whole query needs to be executed as transaction so that when an update
> fails the database is not crippled.

I don't get the transaction point, though.  Are you somehow unable
to get transactional behavior without it?

Gustavo Niemeyer

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