[storm] why weakrefdict for cache?
Gustavo Niemeyer
gustavo at niemeyer.net
Tue Sep 4 19:08:28 BST 2007
> so if I had:
> class Blub(object):
> def __init__(self, x, y):
> self.x = x
> self.y = y
> and mapped it as a pickle type to Foober.blub:
> f = Foober()
> f.blub = Blub(7, 8)
> where's the event hook placed ? when i say f.blub.y = 12 for example.
The Variable (Storm's wrapper) responsible for f.blub would register
itself into two events: "flush" and "object-deleted". When f dies,
or when the store is flushed, the variable will be called back to
check for changes. At this point the new blub.y is detected, and the
obj_info for the dead object gets added to the dirty set, and things
go on normally.
> one would think. but no. Psycopg2 buffers the whole result into
> memory the moment you say cursor.execute(). fetchone()/fetchmany()/
> fetchall() all read from the buffer.
Really!? Wow.. that's sad. :-(
> There *is* a way to override this, and that is to use a named
> cursor. In that case psycopg2 maintains the cursor on the server
> side and each fetchXXX() call retrieves results over the wire. I
> don't know why there isnt a simple flag "server_side=True", but on
> the psycopg2 list they seemed to hold the opinion that you shouldnt
> be selecting a result set larger than that which you can hold in
Well, considering that they put the whole result set in memory,
that's certainly true.
> memory, so they dont seem to view "server side cursors" as something
> anyone should really need (to them its just a side effect of using
> named cursors...hence not really documented or anything).
Unfortunately, it's a bad limitation for anyone working with
very large data sets. I understand their basic idea. Good
queries certainly restrict the data shown to reasonable subsets,
when what's wanted *is* a subset, or it's just an operation which
could be moved to the server. Even then, not being able to iterate
over the data using conservative amounts of memory is certainly a
> Anyway, somewhere in SA's 0.3 series we did an internal
> reorganization such that our postgres dialect *can* optionally use
> named cursors so that you get "server side" capability, however we
> had to jump through many hoops to make it work since Psycopg2s
> implementation makes it difficult (they will fail if used for
> anything other than a SELECT, and cursor.description is not available
> until the first row is fetched).
Nice.. I may get back to you about this at some point, if you're
fine with it.
Gustavo Niemeyer
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