[storm] why weakrefdict for cache?

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Mon Sep 3 15:15:34 BST 2007

> this is reasonable ... i just thought about that we might have zope  
> specific caching requirements, that might be common to zope  
> applications, such as ReferenceSet caching etc. But as you said, it  
> is the job of a pluggable caching mechanism.

True.. we may have a pluggable cache for zstorm, if we find out that
the the default isn't good for Zope applications.  Even then, it'd
be good if we managed to find a caching system that does a good job
for most cases, including ours (lovely + Landscape + whoever is
watching :-).

> When do you think will such someone find time to implement caching.  
> Or shall we (lovely) start to do this?

There's a feature in Landscape which is urging my attention, so I'm
unlikely to be able to look at this before some time next week. Here
is an initial implementation plan, in case you want to tackle it:

- Let's rename Store._cache to Store._alive.  That reflects better
  what this attribute means.  We shouldn't have to touch the use of
  _alive (caching will work side-by-side with the current system).

- We create a cache implementation in cache.py.  It has a very
  simple API: add(), remove(), and clear().  Store._cache will hold
  it (let's not implement the "pluggable" aspect in the first
  version, so that we have time to learn if our API is right).

- Whenever an object is returned to the user from the Store
  or from a ResultSet (no matter if it's loaded from database or
  not), it's add()ed to the cache.

- Internally, the cache maintains two structures: one dictionary
  with {obj_info: obj} (this has the strongref to the obj), and
  one list of obj_infos.  We can't have just a list of the
  objects themselves because we don't want to touch any special
  methods in the object implementation (e.g. __eq__).

- If Cache.add() finds that obj_info is already in the dictionary,
  it removes the object from the list, and reinserts it at the
  start.  If the list goes above N, the last element is popped
  from the list and the dictionary.

- Store.invalidate() takes the item off the cache.  It should also
  be taken off on _remove_from_alive (which is _remove_from_cache
  right now, but will be renamed).

- We need 100% test coverage for that, if possible using TDD.

How does that look?

Gustavo Niemeyer

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