[storm] why weakrefdict for cache?

Bernd Dorn bernd.dorn at lovelysystems.com
Mon Sep 3 14:18:13 BST 2007

On 03.09.2007, at 15:01, Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:

> I'm actually a bit surprised that people don't seem to bother with
> the strong references for the duration of the transaction.
> In Landscape, for instance, we have web pages which show up thousands
> of objects, and there isn't a good reason to keep the object in
> memory after it has been displayed.

if you use the contentprovider pattern, you can't pass objects  
around, in most cases the objects are traversed and the traverser  
gets the object via store.get, but there is no reference to the  
object anymore in memory

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