[storm] Zope - Storm Container Implementation
Christian Klinger
cklinger at novareto.de
Mon Nov 26 15:09:34 GMT 2007
i have now checked the source temporary in a subversion.
You can look here:
Additionally i have a doctest which is heavily based on yours
from strom.zope.
> Hey Christian,
>> i played the last days a bit with storm.zope.
>> Unfortunatly there is no Container for zope.storm,
>> I´ve looked at the nice z3c.zalchemy [2],
>> espacially the container implementation.
>> I have taken the container.py from z3c.zalchemy as
>> a base for the stormcontainer.py attached to this post.
> Very nice! Thanks for publishing it.
>> As i´m using grok[1]. I subclass the container from
>> grok.Container. But i think this should work in a pure Z3
>> Environment too. Maybe subclass from zope.container?
>> I´m waiting for your comments.
> A few things to perhaps look after:
> - store.delete() is actually store.remove()
Yes you are right. I have *replaced* the remove statement.
> - The way that commit() is being done in delitem and
> setitem seems dangerous. It means that as a side-effect
> of removing an item from the container, all the changes
> in the current transaction are persisted.
I use now transaction.commit(). But i don´t exactly
know if i need this?
> - You shouldn't have to do flush(). Storm does it
> automatically when needed.
I don´t use flush() anymore.
> - for id in obj.__storm_object_info__.get('primary_vars'):
> ident += str(id._value)
Now i use this statement.
But i convert the result to an string type.
You can see an example in the doctests.
def _getInstanceKey(self, obj):
""" Get an unique id form obj """
obj_info = get_obj_info(obj)
id = tuple(obj_info.variables[column].get() for column in
return id
> You're using private data here, which is not part of the
> exposed API, meaning that it may change without warnings. Also,
> this internal value may not be available by the time you access
> it directly, unlike the actual property.
> Besides these points, this isn't a very good way to extract the
> key, since (1, 23) will yield the same key as (12, 3), for
> instance.
I try to experiment with store.get for this issue. But i have no
solution at this moment.
> - for obj in store.find(self._class):
> if self._getInstanceKey(obj) == str(id):
> return obj
> That is a *very* expensive way to get an object out of the
> database. It will walk through all the objects, potentially.
> It should somehow look for the specific key instead.
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