[storm] connection pooling

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Tue Jul 31 17:45:40 BST 2007

> Yeah,  a backend-agnostic approach would make sense - rather than
> tying in some messy logic for enabling the backends pooling logic if
> available.  psycopg2 has a pool module, for example.

It wouldn't be too hard to support that either.

> Reasonable  However, this doesn't solve the problem when you have have
> many concurrent sessions and your angry Oracle DBA only lets you keep
> a max of 20 open connections per process - so you need to share
> connections via a checkin/out pool.

Understood.  That's an interesting use case.

> I actually don't right now ;)  I'm forced to use java/jdbc/oracle for
> my day job.  I have some projects outside of work using zope3.  I'd
> actually be more interesting in zope integration right now - I've
> started down the path of implementing my own.  So far its been easy
> just based on a simple thread-local stores model.

Oh, I see.  You may be interested in ZStorm then.  It'll be released
with Storm 0.10 shortly, and is already available for checkout [1].


Gustavo Niemeyer

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