[storm] Storm and Zope 3

Tim Stebbing tjstebbing at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 07:34:58 BST 2007

> > (Desperately looking for someone who knows how to do this and
> > is prepared to write it down for us mortals.)
> >
> Yes, That would be great.

add the storm package to your zope path <instance home>/lib/python
and setup the configs:

cd <zope instance home>

ln -s /path/to/storm lib/python/storm

echo "<include package='storm.zope'/>" >

echo "<include package='storm.zope' file='meta.zcml'/>" >

then, in your own app's configure.zcml, add a line like:

 <store name="test" uri="sqlite:"/>

then in your code you can go:

from storm.zope.interfaces import IZStorm
from zope.app import zapi

zstorm = zapi.getUtility(IZStorm)
testStore = zstorm.get('test') #notice this matches your <store > zcml..

#do things with your store

this is off the top of my head and may be wildly inaccurate ;)


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