[storm] A publish-bot for Storm branches
Jamu Kakar
jamshed.kakar at canonical.com
Thu Jul 19 17:22:39 BST 2007
I've setup a publish-bot so that people can see commit messages for
Storm branches in #storm. You'll need to do the following to set it
1. Get publish-bot. The easiest way to get the code is with:
bzr branch bzr+ssh://code.launchpad.net/publish-bot/trunk
2. Put the bzrcommitmessage.py Bazaar plugin that comes with
publish-bot in your ~/.bazaar/plugins directory.
3. Once the Bazaar plugin is in place you'll need to provide some
configuration to make it work. Add a stanza similar to the
following to your ~/.bazaar/locations file:
post_commit = bzrlib.plugins.bzrcommitmessage.send_commit
message_host = kakar.ca
message_port = 11234
message_password = storm
message_channel = storm
message_branch_prefix = storm
Commit messages for branches hosted under /home/jkakar/src/canonical/storm
will end up in #storm for everyone to see! Let me know if you have
any questions or need help setting this up.
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