[storm] future database support

Willi Langenberger wlang at wu-wien.ac.at
Wed Jul 18 23:24:50 BST 2007

According to Gustavo Niemeyer:
> > I think this can also be used with the Oracle Call Interface, ie
> > something like:
> > 
> >   rowid = cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO some_table
> >                               (col1, col2) VALUES (:1, :2)
> >                             RETURNING ROWID INTO :3""", col1, col2)
> Can you check if that really works?

Tested with DCOracle2::

  import random
  import DCOracle2

  dbc = DCOracle2.connect('...')
  cursor = dbc.cursor()

  foo = random.randint(0, 10000)
  print 'inserting:', foo
  sql = """insert into test_table (foo) values (:1)
           returning rowid into :out_rowid"""
  rowid = cursor._connection.rowid()         # empty rowid object
  cursor.execute(sql, foo, out_rowid=rowid)  # put rowid value into it

  # now reading the record with the rowid from the last statement
  sql = """select foo from test_table
            where rowid = :1"""
  cursor.execute(sql, rowid)

  foo2, = cursor.fetchone()
  print 'reading:', foo2

This seems to work.

Whats left is finding a way to catch the INSERT statements in the
oracle backend and wrap the rowid magic around it.


Willi.Langenberger at wu-wien.ac.at                Fax: +43/1/31336/9207
Zentrum fuer Informatikdienste, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Austria

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