future database support

Stanko Petrovic stanep at gmail.com
Sat Jul 14 05:53:40 BST 2007

Hi I play with storm over a couple of days and it is a joy.
I also start to play to add support for SQL Server with pyodbc and basic
stuff I got working.
The only problem that I did not solved and which is kind of big is to get
after "INSERT stmt" last_insert_row ID.
For now I issued a sql stmt wiht MAX(primary_key) column and it works but as
you know it's a weak approach.
There is way to avoid this , SQL Server requires to set  like
self._connection.execute('SET IDENTITY_INSERT %s ON' % cls_info.table)
before insert and set it off after
self._connection.execute('SET IDENTITY_INSERT %s OFF' % cls_info.table)

I try to add this code in store.py (line 322) but kept getting sql server
errors(545) I think is something to do about session
bec. you can issue above code only for one table per session

Anyway I can send the files I change  and to "WARN YOU" I am not expert
python developer , but I think someone with more brain power will through
reading those modified files see what I did and figure it out rest.

On 7/13/07, Noah Gift <noah.gift at gmail.com> wrote:
> Any plans to support Oracle, and SQL Server or you will storm be
> focused on open source databases?
> --
> http://www.blog.noahgift.com
> --
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