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Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at
Thu Jul 12 07:18:07 BST 2007

> In integrating the two (storm and zope3/zodb) for the project I'm
> working on my current plan is to create an IDataManager for storm
> which will do-the-right-thing(tm) ie: rollback/commit based on the
> success/failure/readiness of other connections, not sure if this helps

Zope3's (ZODB's, actually) transaction system indeed offers the needed
hooks to put the two-phase commit in place, but it doesn't mean that
it will actually work with anything that hooks into it.  If you have
two connections and you commit the first one without a two-phase
commit strategy, you can't roll it back once your second connection
fails to commit due to some conflict, for instance.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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