More 'About Storm'

Stuart Bishop stuart.bishop at
Thu Jul 12 01:31:35 BST 2007

I think there is more information needed in the About Storm section on the front page. Something like:

Storm is different to other Python ORMs:

 * Designed from day one to be database administrator friendly.
 * Designed from day one to work both at the low end, with trivial small
databases, and the high end, with applications accessing billion row tables
and committing to multiple database backends.
 * Designed from day one to work both with thin relational databases, such
as SQLite, and big iron systems like PostgreSQL, DB2 & Oracle.
 * Distributed database integrity using two-phase commit (if your Python
driver and database backend support it).
 * Storm does not dictate your datamodel.
 * Storm lets you efficiently access and update large datasets by allowing
you to formulate complex queries spanning multiple tables using Python.
 * Storm lets you fallback to SQL if needed (or if you just prefer),
allowing you to mix 'old school' code and ORM code

These are all from my perspective, so may not be general enough for the
front page. Other people might have points or catch phrases to add too, but
we don't want the section to grow too big so high level points should
replace low level points.

Stuart Bishop <stuart.bishop at>
Canonical Ltd.                      

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