thanks - questions

Eugene Van den Bulke eugene.vandenbulke at
Tue Jul 10 22:46:25 BST 2007

Hi there,

First of all thanks a lot for contributing that piece of software to
the Python community. I must admit my relative ignorance in terms of
ORM. I like the look of Storm from what I saw in the tutorial. If I
may venture a few comments (before I even start really playing with
the thing).

Could you make an egg? easy_install Storm is easier than downloading
the tar.bz2 file etc. I believe it will ease experimentation /

As you mention the online doc is pretty sparse (inexistent) but boy is
the tutorial well done (for  people like me anyway), thanks again!

Could you outline the design philosophy behind Storm? What were you
looking for that was not in SQLObject / SQLAlchemy / DejaVu which I
gather are the main 3 Python ORMs (I realize you may have started
working on Storm before some of these projects started :P)? How does
it differentiate from other players?

I guess I would love someone knowledgeable to add a Storm section to
Sylvain Hellegouarch book CherryPy Essentials.

I got scared by the CREATE TABLE ... statements :P Only half joking
but that could scare people off. An Elixir create_table() statement is

I will definitely give Storm a closer look in the near future, not
sure if I am capable of helping out but ... the intention matters.


EuGeNe --

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