[storm] primary key autofilling

Drew Smathers drew.smathers at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 01:07:57 BST 2007

Hi Gustavo,

> That's an interesting problem, which probably have a solution, but will
> need some thinking.  Let me describe what's our requirements on the ORM
> side, and then if you provide your requirements, we can sort out a
> solution.

Actually, I'm wrong.  The schema does indeed have triggers for some
fields, but uid defaults to nextval on a sequence.  The problem is
that the sequence isn't called "<mytable>_uid_seq".  So problem
solved.  I renamed the sequence.

> Storm offers a few different ways to do that to the backends, but somehow
> it has to become aware of the primary key used.  In Postgres 8.2, it's
> possible to do a INSERT ... RETURNING, which is an excellent to implement
> that, and one that we'll probably use in the near future.

Yes, that seems like a nice way of resolving id if not set explicitly
before inserting.  Depending on the impl of RETURNING, I guess that
might mean one less query as well.

> Does this make sense?

Yes it does.  Thanks again for your help.

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