I Have already follow the instruction at "<a href="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FedoraDirectoryServer">https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FedoraDirectoryServer</a>"<br>and i found several problems like:<br><br>
./ds_create: invalid option -- k<br>./ds_create: invalid option -- ]<br>Fatal Slapd The required field AdminDomain is not present in the install info file.<br>chown: cannot access `/opt/fedora-ds/bin/slapd/authck': No such file or directory
<br>/opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/ns-update: invalid option -- k<br>/opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/ns-update: invalid option -- ]<br>ERROR: missing data from answer cache<br><br>this happen when i'm install <br><pre> "sudo /opt/fedora-ds/setup/setup -k"
<br><br><span style="font-family: mon;"></span><font size="4">and this :<br>the</font><font size="4">re is no file and directory if i run this:<br></font> "sudo /opt/fedora-ds/start-admin"<br><br><font size="4">
what should i do???</font><br><br></pre>