Absolutely valid question. I would like to ask one more thing -- is there some way we can use that live cd to add ubuntu-desktop to an existing install ? <br><br>Previously, i used to download kubuntu cd, install it, and use the shipit cd's to apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. Ofcourse, that would not be possible now, since the livecd does not have the deb's.
<br><br>I dont know whether this is possible or no, but if done, it will be a great help, in low bandwidth areas like mine. (India).<br><br clear="all">Regards,<br>Rohan.<br><br>-- <br>Rohan Dhruva<br>Proud GNU/Linux user.
<br>Windows: "Where do you want to go today?"<br>Linux: "Where do you want to go tomorrow?"<br>FreeBSD: "Are you guys coming or what?"<br><a href="http://www.dhruva.be/">http://www.dhruva.be/