Unity is made of fail

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 16:43:11 UTC 2011

On 25 March 2011 16:38, Alan Pope <popey at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On 25 March 2011 16:31, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:

>> The "it's okay" things I said about Natty and Unity? That was in a
>> VirtualBox VM. When it's got Compiz to run, it turns entirely to fail.

> As do many things that require 3D in a virtual environment, this is news how?

No, no. I mean it's fail when 3D is actually working.

If you wanted to turn your universal general-purpose computer you can
run ANYTHING on into a locked-down phone that some l33t h at xx0r has
managed to jailbreak, this gives you something like the experience of
a locked-down phone that's been jailbroken.

I can see there's good and interesting ideas in there, except shit don't work.

>> It's like the netbook interface except STUFF RANDOMLY DOESN'T WORK.
>> I'm trying to get into it, and resisting installing the GNOME 2 shell,
>> but jeez it's sucking.

> You don't need to "install" the GNOME 2 shell, it's already there.
> Just logout, and when you log back in, choose "Classic" option from
> the session menu at the bottom of the screen.

That's a relief.

- d.

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