The London Stock Exchange moves to Novell Linux

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Wed Feb 16 01:28:09 UTC 2011

September 8th 2008 was one of the worst days ever for the London Stock 
Exchange (LSE) <>, 
and high-end Windows server-based applications. That was the day that 
the LSE came to a crashing stop. What happened? While the LSE has never 
come clean on the whole story, my sources told me that the LSE's 
Windows-based .NET TradElec stock exchange had crashed 
What we do know is that the CEO who had brought Windows and TradElec in 
was fired 
TradElec was dumped, and a Novell SUSE Linux 
platform was brought in to replace it.

Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.

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