An open letter to Alan Pope

Samuel Thurston sam.thurston at
Wed Apr 20 01:43:23 UTC 2011

Dear Mr Pope and the rest of the Ubuntu Community Council,

Alan, you have displayed your true colors today.  After assuring me
that this item would be brought up at the next community meeting
rather than today's, I decided to disregard the inflammatory rhetoric
about your character, and put my trust in you as a representative of
the community.

That trust was obviously misplaced.

I say this because I feel that on top of you misleading me (and
others) about the time of the meeting, you also chose to deliberately
mischarachterize a number of my statements and selectively present the
evidence I so exhaustively prepared, so as to bolster your own opinion
that the list should be closed.

I call foul.  I call foul on the entire CC.  Because if you voted to
close the list you did so because it was your opinion that it should
be shut regardless of community input and evidence to the contrary OR
because you neglected to do your duty and investigate the information
put forth by Mr. Pope (he was kind enough to link to original messages
while quoting out of context, isn't that nice?)

Whether it be negligence or malfeasance, I stand disappointed in your service.

Due to this misconduct, and other recent flagrant missteps by the
Ubuntu community, I will be looking elsewhere for my Linux needs.  I
have no need for a community in which someone so dishonest and
underhanded gains a respected and representative status.

Thank you and good day,

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