[ADMIN] [ANNOUNCE] This list - CC date correction

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Mon Apr 11 21:34:19 UTC 2011

On 11 April 2011 22:26, Samuel Thurston <sam.thurston at gmail.com> wrote:
> Alan, Checking back on the wiki page no time is yet listed for this
> item on the community council agenda.  If I read this page correctly,
> if the item is indeed bumped to 21:00 UTC, then it will be discussed
> at the meeting May 3 instead of April 19.. is this correct?
> Please clarify.

That's right. Yes.

There's been a lot of feedback since the original proposal, and I'm
happy to collate that and present it objectively at either meeting.
It's often difficult to get the entire CC to meetings, so sometimes
there's not enough to make a decision there and then. But it's worth
discussing. It's not a foregone conclusion as some have suggested, and
the fact that I raised it and I'm on the CC doesn't really make any
difference, if anyone had added it to the agenda it would have been
considered the same way.


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