Sounder is a valuable Ubuntu community asset.

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Sat Apr 9 14:04:30 UTC 2011

On Saturday, April 09, 2011 11:01 AM, Samuel Thurston wrote:
> Alan Pope feels that "the Ubuntu community doesn't need this list anymore."
> I feel that sounder provides a very valuable function in the Ubuntu
> community. I have only my own perspective to offer, limited as it is.
> As Alan seems predisposed to press the case for the closure of the
> list in the face of vocal and vehement public disapproval, I'd like to
> enlist your help.
> What do you value about the sounder list?

Basil had this key word in his post: communicating

Members of a community communicate with each other. They do not only 
answer or ask technical questions. Yes, members of a community can talk 
to each other in private. But they also use public forums. The sounder 
list appears to serve this purpose.

It is so not ubuntu to deprive the Ubuntu community of such an area.

More information about the sounder mailing list