Now apologise for America, Britain told

W. Scott Lockwood III scott at
Thu Apr 7 20:18:03 UTC 2011

I support your right to feel, and to express all of those things. ;-)

Remember: If you can read, thank a teacher. If you're doing it in English, thank a servicemam.

W. Scott Lockwood III

-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel Thurston [mailto:sam.thurston at] 
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 3:12 PM
To: W. Scott Lockwood III
Cc: Nathan Bahn; Sounder Elist
Subject: Re: Now apologise for America, Britain told

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 11:13 AM, W. Scott Lockwood III <scott at> wrote:
> As an American who has served in the US armed forces (US Navy, 8 
> years), I would just like to say to you and all the other people in 
> England who feel as you do, Eat Shit, limey. Were it not for us, you’d 
> be goose-stepping down the streets of London and speaking German right 
> now. Assuming any of you had been left alive by the Germans, of 
> course. Do not forget why there are two stars on the back of every 
> enlisted man’s dress blue uniform in the United States Navy – one for 
> each time we have kicked your ass, soundly and completely.
> --
> W. Scott Lockwood III

I find your attitudes at once amusing, offensive, reasonably factual and misguided. Thank you for making me laugh and feel guilty about it at the same time.

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