Now apologise for America, Britain told
Michael Haney
thezorch at
Thu Apr 7 16:10:28 UTC 2011
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Nathan Bahn <nathan.bahn at> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 8:36 AM, Basil Chupin <blchupin at> wrote:
>> IF Britain is in the mood for apologising for things it should really add
>> America to its list, it was claimed last night.
>> As David Cameron told Pakistan that its current balls-out craziness was
>> actually the fault of the British empire, experts pointed to the giant,
>> stupid, disgusting country founded by some people from East Anglia.
>> Julian Cook, author of America: What the Fuck Were We Thinking?, said:
>> "When Harwich-born Christopher Jones captained the Mayflower in 1620 he
>> began a process that would lead ultimately to genocide, the Ku Klux Klan and
>> Grey's Anatomy.
>> "Thanks to him and his insane passengers, the way was paved for a nation
>> of heavily armed toddlers led around by an ever-changing roll-call of
>> religious maniacs, grubby conmen and dead-eyed celebrities.
>> "It doesn't understand anything more than 15 minutes old - except
>> creationism - and is littered with strip malls and heavily branded cheese
>> pumps.
>> "We have engineered a massive, unstoppable Essex. We should all be in
>> jail."
>> Cook conceded that other European countries would have taken Britain's
>> place, but stressed: "Then we might have had a massive, unstoppable
>> Dordogne. And that sounds brilliant."
>> Historian, Roy Hobbs, added: "And let's not forget that in the 19th
>> century we made it even worse by ensuring its eastern seaboard was flooded
>> with drunken, Irish gangsters whose chippy, lachrymose descendants would end
>> up buying millions of U2 albums.
>> "So as well as Pakistan and America, we created Bono. And how do you even
>> begin to apologise for Bono?"
>> Meanwhile, Cameron's apology has been questioned by experts who stressed
>> that the £650m in educational aid to Pakistan is being used to counter the
>> sort of peevish, blood thirsty Islam that existed before the British empire
>> was even a shitty little twinkle in a Plantagenet eye.
>> Bill McKay, professor of tiffin at Reading University, said: "If it wasn't
>> for a smattering of slightly giddy, gin-hammering colonists and jolly, Simon
>> Callow-style vicars it could actually have been much, much worse."
> B.C.--
> I realize that the article is tongue-in-cheek; however, I must say that the
> U.S. (and in particular, its power elite) owes the world not just apologies,
> but reparations as well! Truly, the U.S. is an empire in all but name! But
> don't take my word for it: Read both
> Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2004);
> and
> The Secret History of the American Empire (New York: Dutton / Penguin Group,
> 2007)
> by John Perkins.
> My 2¢, anyway.
As an American I can safely say to this .... AMEN!!
America's two biggest problem is its ultra-greedy upper class and its
extremist Christian fundamentalists. The top 1% richest people in the
country own most of the major corporation in the US. They spend
billions lobbying Congress, and thanks to Citizen United vs. the FEC
corporations are legally recognized as "people" and money is
recognized as "free speech". Basically, due to the Supreme Court
decision last year corporations can now spend an unlimited amount of
money in campaign fends to whichever candidate they want to support.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Jim Boner, is from the
Tea Party movement. Originally an anti-corporation group, they were
infiltrated by corporate backed agents and fed insane propaganda about
taxes. Now they want to see government destroyed, and they may get
their wish as the US government is headed for a shutdown on Friday if
a budget agreement isn't made between now and tomorrow.
Ultra-conservatives in the Republican party has very pro corporation
and anti-labor. In Wisconsin, the mostly Republican state government
tried unethical, underhanded, and ultimately illegal methods to try
and pass a law that stripped unions of their collective bargaining
rights. The same thing is happening in Ohio, but its worse, the WI
bill which was stopped by the courts didn't touch the Police and
Firefighter Unions, but the OH law strips those unions also.
Police and Firefighter Unions are among the top financial supporters
of the Republican Party. They bit the hand that feeds them, and due
to what the OH government did the GOP is now in panic mode.
All across the US the Republican Party is stripping funding from
education. Because a population that is stupid is easier to control.
They're also trying to for schools to teach Creationism rather than
science. Some are trying to rewrite American History so say the
Founding Father's build the US as a Christian nation for Christians
only. This isn't true.
The public face of the GOP rants that they are all about jobs, jobs,
jobs, but all of their political efforts behind the scenes prevent job
creation, make the middle class poorer, and make the super rich
richer. What is happening here in the US is unsustainable.
Eventually something is going to give and either the US will go the
way of the Roman Empire (you can't honestly say it can't happen, read
your history books, its very possible) or it will be plunged into a
Second Civil War, A Russian official, who's name I can't remember,
predicted in 90's that the US could fall by 2012. The descent would
be swift, starting in 2010 - 2011, and before the end of 2012 there
would be no United States of America. If things keep on the way they
are his predictions may come true. He ever drew up a map showing what
parts of the US would get divided up between the countries that US
owes money to. The west coast would go to China, the east coast would
go to the EU, the south could become its own country if its not
annexed by Mexico, and Canada would likely annex the north.
Well, I live in D.C. If things go that way at least we'll finally get
Eurovision on TV. LOL
Based on how I feel things will go that likely won't happen. Because
of certain forces that are taking place which happen naturally in
cycles the world is starting to turn positive. That's why you're
seeing uprisings against tyranny all over the world, and its only
going to accelerate. So, I'm not going to worry about it because I
know that I know its going to turn out well in the end, and in the
mean time I'm going to get me some popcorn because this going to be
one hell of a show.
Michael "TheZorch" Haney
"The greatest tragedy in mankind's entire history may be the hijacking
of morality by religion." ~ Arthur C. Clarke
"The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion and
politics, but it is not the path to knowledge, and there is no place
for it in the endeavor of science. " ~ Carl Sagan
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