Ubuntu 11.10 makes Unity compulsory

David Sanders dsuzukisanders at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 14:18:09 UTC 2011

> The "why" is only in your head. Learn to separate *you* from what you
> are observing. :¬)

Indeed, I remember listening to James Lovelock talking about the
heated debate on his Gaia hypothesis. His main point being the world
is balanced in the way it is simply because that's how it is formed.
Everything is governed by the events that created those things in the
first place, so that they are all interlinked in some way is hardly
surprising. However, to imagine that this is some brilliant scheme
cooked up by a super-being seems like limitless idiocy. It is what it
is because that's how it became itself in the first place.

It has no reason, get over it. Read some Sartre if you're still
feeling a sad loss at being a bunch of bone, meat and neurons, but
that's all you'll ever be no matter how sad it makes you.

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