Problems Linux Enthusiasts Refuse to Address

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at
Wed Apr 6 01:12:08 UTC 2011

On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 14:40:05 -0500
Samuel Thurston <sam.thurston at> wrote:

> I don't dispute that
> there are still those that hold his mindset within the business world,
> but I think a lot more have opened up to the TCO arguments behind
> linux installations.  Pay for licenses, pay for upgrades and pay for
> maintenance, or just pay for maintenance?   That's an easy business
> decision.

Outside of business (well, its /now/ business), my sister and a friend
of hers pay an office friend who is a Linux (Ubuntu, as it happens) nut
to set up, update and upgrade their systems.  He also does a little
software troubleshooting (I've seen him post here).  My sis switched
from Winduhs to (I think) RedHat, unbeknownst to me and half a
continent away, when she was hit by 'ILOVEYOU' around 2001.  She
doesn't care about anything except that her system works reliably
without worries about malware and is more than willing to pay for
services rendered.  Her Ubu guy has expanded into about ten or so
installations he part-times on.

Of course, he installed from his own burned media so none of those
installations show up in the stats.  ...more's the pity. 

There must be thousands of folks just like him.  That's a lot of money
changing hands because of Linux that never shows anywhere except, in
the cases of honest workmen (we hope they all are), in taxes paid for
money made.

Cybe R. Wizard
Registered GNU/Linux user # 126326
Registered Ubuntu User # 2136

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