Ubuntu 11.10 makes Unity compulsory

Samuel Thurston sam.thurston at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 15:10:14 UTC 2011

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 9:44 AM, Douglas Pollard <dougpol1 at verizon.net> wrote:
*lots of snip*
> Why would a person invent a religion that is
> bad for him.
*more snip*

Humans are well-known to engage in all sorts of self-destructive
behaviors: smoking, drinking, drug use, participating in extreme
sports, watching reality tv.  Asking why implies that there is a
rational explanation.  I am prone to assume there is not.


P.S. I lost track of the thread somewhere... I posit that deriving an
argument about the existence of god from a discussion on unity being
"forced" on users in 11.10 could be added to my list of irrational and
potentially self-destructive behaviors :)

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