Ubuntu 11.10 makes Unity compulsory

Michael Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 14:03:24 UTC 2011

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Cybe R. Wizard
<cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 09:07:49 -0400
> Michael Haney <thezorch at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 8:35 AM, Cybe R. Wizard
>> <cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net> wrote:
>> > On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 17:23:25 +1000
>> > Basil Chupin <blchupin at iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> >
>> >> What ARE your religious beliefs or at least inclinations? You must
>> >> have SOME - you weren't raised by the wolves in some remote part of
>> >> America, right?
>> >>
>> >> BC
>> >
>> > I believe that all there is to all the universe(s) is perceivable by
>> > humans directly. (no super-being who holds sway over the universe)
>> >
>> The universe itself is alive and everything and everyone in the
>> universe is a part of that one entity.  Some call it Source, others
>> call it God, but whatever you call it there is no doubting that it is
>> real.
> You are so wildly 'Out There' its hard to know where to start.
> I'll start here:
> How dare you be so supremely and asininely presumptuous as to
> think that you in any way have the right to assign /MY/ beliefs.
> There /IS/ doubting it; /I/ doubt it.
> In fact, I actively /DIS/-believe it.
>> > I believe that when one dies he is just dead and the remains are
>> > just bad meat slowly rotting. (no afterlife, whatever /that/ might
>> > mean)
>> >
>> There is no such thing as death.  Death in the physical world is an
>> illusion, because our bodies are not who we really are.  We are
>> non-corporeal beings and our bodies are nothing but tools ... Avatars
>> ... for our souls to interact with this world.  It is impossible for
>> us to truly die.
> No such thing as death?  Now you are beginning to seem to be
> completely around the bend. Stomp on your pet cat's head and see death
> first-hand.
> Non-corporeal beings?  Go ahead and visit me tonight in your
> non-corporeal 'body'.  I dare you.  We'll find out how non-corporeal it
> really is.
>> > I believe that's all there is to life; a short chance for enjoyment
>> > here and then nothing. (live for today)
>> >
>> This life exists for us to have experiences beyond that which we know
>> in the non-physical true reality.  Think of this world as a giant
>> metaphysical MMORPG of sorts.  We come here to have experiences and to
>> grow spiritually from those experiences.  Death, as you refer to it in
>> the physical, is just an illusion.  Our persona which our true selves
>> take on in this world ceases to be, but who and what we truly are can
>> never die.
> Heh, death's an illusion?  Go ahead and die, then, and tell us all about
> it.
> First go on and imagine into one hand.  Spit into the other.  I'll make
> bets on which one fills up first.
>> > I believe that all religion, not just the major ones, are wily ways
>> > for one person or group to gain the upper hand over others.
>> >
>> Religion was born out of ancient man's attempt to understand why and
>> how the world worked.  They sought answers to why the sun rose and set
>> in the sky, why the seasons changed, and why at night there were all
>> those lights in the sky.  From this religion was born.  Sometime in
>> the ancient past, some king or tribal leader who's name has been lost
>> to history decided to use the beliefs of the people as a way to
>> justify their authority.  This is where religion falters, and human
>> kind has been using religion to control overs ever since.
> Right.  King or tribal leader.  The correct term is, shaman," or,
> "faker."
> Maybe, "liar," is more accurate.
>> > I believe I'll have another beer/toke.
>> >
>> I'd rather have a Mt. Dew.  Can't stand the taste of beer, awful
>> stuff.
> It's the white sugar that has done this to your mind, I feel sure.
>> > Isaac Asimov had the right idea.  He avowed that he would believe in
>> > the first religion that could offer conclusive proof in an
>> > afterlife.
>> >
>> From out limited perspective in the physical world obtaining such
>> proof isn't possible without faith.
> Exactly.  You begin to have a glimmer of the truth.
>> > I'll be big about it and offer the same.
>> >
>> > Non-theist describes me, or maybe polytheist as I dis-believe in
>> > many gods.
>> >
>> The Biblical description of God is woefully inaccurate.  The real God
>> does not judge, has no master plan, has no chosen people, does not
>> need or want anything from us that we don't want or need for
>> ourselves, and doesn't really care what we do in this world because
>> what happens in the physical world ultimately doesn't matter.  This
>> world, this reality, isn't real.  It was created so that we, the
>> individualized portions of a single entity, could have experiences
>> beyond that we know in the non-physical world.  The TRUE reality.
>> As Dr. Sagan said it best, "we are a way for the universe to know
>> itself."
> The real god?  Is that like the ReaLemon we get in quarts?
> Your 'god' has a description?  What color is her hair?
> You are really looking pretty foolish here.

You attack me proves nothing other than the fact that you are
intolerant of opposing ideas.
I'm offering up what I find to be a truth that works for me and my
life.  If what you have serves you in your spiritual life then more
power to you.  But its unfair to attack me for my beliefs yet not
expect someone to not attack you for your own.  That's called

Everything I described is in the "Conversations With God" books by
Neale Donald Walsch.  Which were New York Times bestsellers and read
by millions who have taken the teachings in those books by heart and
are making their lives better from them.  The same is true of all of
the books produced by Hicks-Abraham in the "Law of Attraction" books.
Both are essentially the same message, but told in different ways.
Not everyone is ready for this material, as you've demonstrated by
your violent opposition to it.

I'm sorry for that.

But, I will not compromise my beliefs because you feel uncomfortable about them.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
"The greatest tragedy in mankind's entire history may be the hijacking
of morality by religion." ~ Arthur C. Clarke
"The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion and
politics, but it is not the path to knowledge, and there is no place
for it in the endeavor of science. " ~ Carl Sagan

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