Ubuntu 11.10 makes Unity compulsory

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 4 03:54:50 UTC 2011

On Sun, 3 Apr 2011 23:35:18 -0400
Nathan Bahn <nathan.bahn at gmail.com> wrote:

> I hate to be the one to be breaking the news to you, but all
> governments are both ethically and morally obligated to avoid
> discriminating on the basis of:
>    - ethnicity
>    - religion
>    - gender
>    - sexual orientation

Oh, if it were only so!  Big Rock Candy Mountain.
> Since Israel discriminates on the basis of ethnicity and religion
> (non-Jews need not bother applying for citizenship), it is *ipso
> facto* an ethically challenged and amoral government.  Saying that
> its neighbors are even worse does not constitute any sort of
> justification for such behavior.

Justified or not, that's the way it works.  Were it to work any
differently wouldn't world governments stop doing it the bad old unfair

Sure, in our dreams.  

We must make the best of a bad situation and any
time a government is involved it is already a bad situation.  

Remember what US Pres. Ronald Reagan said about the nine words which are
the scariest in the world: "I'm from the government and I'm here to

Cybe R. Wizard
Registered GNU/Linux user # 126326
Registered Ubuntu User # 2136

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