A shaggy vampire

Michael Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Mon Sep 20 17:16:09 BST 2010

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Cybe R. Wizard
<cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net> wrote:
> It happened in Seattle. Yes, it really did. It occurred in the land of
> Bill And The Evile Empire, and the telling of the tale is almost as bad
> as to original event – pure horror, pure terror.
> It took an unlucky combination of people meeting together in one of the
> Microsoft executive suites. First, there were the Scotlanders recently
> responsible for the cloning of the sheep. In addition, the group was
> blessed with Chryler Motors ex-CEO, Lee Iococa, and with the famous
> vampire, Count Dracula.
> Oh, the pain, oh the difficulty of setting this down. DNA was taken
> from both Iococa and Drac and the DNAs were combined into the empty
> ovum of a Microsoft executive. The fertilized ovum was implanted in a
> conscripted volunteer, and after nine months, the conceptus came fully
> to term.
> Thus, it was born (gag, wretch), now we have the explanation —


Michael "TheZorch" Haney
"The greatest tragedy in mankind's entire history may be the hijacking
of morality by religion." ~ Arthur C. Clarke
"The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion and
politics, but it is not the path to knowledge, and there is no place
for it in the endeavor of science. " ~ Carl Sagan

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