Time to bite the Lucid bullet!

Clay Weber claydoh at midmaine.com
Fri Sep 17 15:44:34 BST 2010

On Friday, September 17, 2010 02:46:34 am Alan Pope wrote:
> On 17 September 2010 01:22, Clay Weber <claydoh at midmaine.com> wrote:
> > Do note that direct Hardy - Lucid+ upgrades are NOT supported as severe
> > breakages are very likely.
> Sorry to be nit-picky but I think it's a bit strong to say its 'NOT
> supported'. Not recommended maybe, and lots of caveats and warnings
> can be given. However as this is a community support system and not a
> corporate one, we can pretty much support most scenarios. If the OP
> upgrades in a whacky way and the system 'breaks' then we can recommend
> methods and tools to help, not just throw our hands in the air and say
> 'nah, can't help, it's not supported'.
> No guarantees of course :)
> Cheers,
> Al.

But for Kubuntu, they aren't supported.  When editing the wiki pages and 
release notes, I was asked make sure that this was included, and the 
distribution upgrade notification in Hardy will only upgrade you to Karmic. 
This is due to serious breakages, so the Kubuntu team decided that they could 
not support this upgrade path and disabled it in the upgrade tool. I cannot 
locate the details on the specifics.

So in essence, any karmic-lucid method of upgrading can be considered 'whacky" 
:) Plus no one threw up their hands, I gave a warning. That does not mean I 
won't give assistance. A fair warning up front is a starting point for that.


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