Action in Ubuntu Users

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at
Sat Sep 11 15:59:19 BST 2010

I dropped out of Ubuntu users,( but will be back as I need the list) not 
because I couldn't stand all the who ha, but because between it and 
other lists I was getting tons of mail. I go off sailing every weekend 
and when I come home I was having 500 emails in the inbox and most of it 
was off topic.   I am guilty of getting caught up in these arguments but 
whish it would stop to some extent to displine me some, as well as 
everyone else.   I find that all that depresses me just a little, I 
guess because it is unpleasant.  That kind of disagreement goes on here 
in sounder but seems ok as that is what I expect here so I see the 
arguments here as relevant.                                            

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