Windowless world.

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Oct 12 02:28:07 BST 2010

On 10/09/2010 01:23 PM, Nathan Bahn wrote:
> I am almost certainly guilty of making common grammatical mistakes; my
> mother is an expert on grammar, and whenever I would ask what a subject (or
> an object, or a predicate) is, my head would start to hurt and I could feel
> my eyes glazing over.  

Don't feel bad... I once nearly flunked an University of Maryland
English course (in Japan no less) for an argument regarding dangling
participles. That and some phrase that appeared on a test that went
something like:

  The ghastly, ghostly, sounds came spewing forth from the windows.

My wife on the other hand, can deconstruct a sentence with the greatest
of ease. Often times she can't write worth a crap, but she's a pro at
the rules. :-) She is a non-native english speaker who migrated to the
USA at age 7, so learning the rules was essential to making the transition.

> Now, if she would explain algebra or trigonometry,
> then I would -- eventually -- get it; not grammar though -- that is one of
> three subjects that I simply and utterly fail to comprehend.
> --N.B.

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