No more releases!
David Gerard
dgerard at
Thu Nov 25 13:26:43 GMT 2010
On 25 November 2010 11:57, Christopher Chan
<christopher.chan at> wrote:
> Oh? You make think I need to look again at the processes used by Debian.
> Weird that people would complain about Debian's release speed if it was
> doing things 'right'.
People who use Debian releases complain about the release frequency.
People who run it on the desktop, including a lot of Debian
developers, often run Sid - literally just the latest versions of
*everything*. I can't find the statistic, but it was something like
30-40% of Debian desktops.
Of course, the point is that this is the unstable distro and
everything could break really badly if a package maintainer fouls up,
and that does happen. But it strikes me as a viable desktop option
*if* you have the skills to fix it when (not if) it breaks.
There are slightly less obsessively "now" distros such as Aptosid
(formerly Sidux), which provides ISOs of a working Sid.
And, of course, each version of Ubuntu is branched from Sid as of branching day.
So if Ubuntu is going to rolling releases, I expect it'll look like a
slightly stabilised Sid.
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