Update: More contributors leave OpenOffice.org for LibreOffice

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Mon Nov 8 12:18:44 GMT 2010

Gilles Gravier schreef op wo 03-11-2010 om 17:48 [+0100]:
> Open Office is Oracle's tool to compete with Microsoft on deals where
> desktop buget is a competitive advantage. They will NOT abandon OOo.
> They are actually making significant work to improve Open Office in
> enterprise environments (as you would imagine). To do so they have to
> make the free version (which is the core of the commercial product) as
> best as possible. So be assured that Oracle is VERY committed to Open
> Office. Now and for the future. 

I agree that having an gratis/cheap but capable office suite has some
value to Oracle (as it has to IBM, Novell, Red Hat, Canonical, etc.).  I
am not so sure how much direct benefit it has for them to keep it open
source, especially if they refuse large parts of the help from the
community that they get, but let's hope it actually has.

I'm also not sure why they don't want to cooperate with LibreOffice,
except for hurt egos...  But maybe I don't know the whole story behind
this.  ;-)

Jan Claeys

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