OT but Fun

Kevin Hunter hunteke at earlham.edu
Sun May 23 11:35:18 BST 2010

At 6:12am -0400 Sun, 23 May 2010, David Sanders wrote:
>> Not. I had to turn off javascript so that Google's little moment of
>> instanity didn't keep pegging my cpu at 40-50%.
> Your computer is broken - it didn't even make my CPU go above 2% in
> Firefox on Ubuntu 10 (This is a lowly 1.5Ghz laptop).

Are you sure you tested Firefox/Ubuntu 10?  I see VMWare in that process 
listing, and the widgets look like OS X.  While Mr. NoOp doesn't 
understand the word "pegging", his CPU usage is spot on to what I 
experienced with Chromium.  Firefox even went so far as to have jolty 
animation and did peg a core.  I have gobs of RAM, a 2.2 GHz dual core 
CPU, and nothing else running at the moment, so I suspect it's you who 
has an optimized setup, or something else non-standard.


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