Bye Bye H.264!

Jason Taylor killerkiwi2005 at
Thu May 20 22:45:00 BST 2010

> I should note that it's not functionally different *after* Flash is
> installed.  The big win, of course, that I forgot to mention, is that
> these technologies can now be included by default.  On the other hand,
> for many folks, the pain of installing Flash is soon forgotten,
> especially with how easy it is with certain distros.  (e.g. Ubuntu ->
> *ubuntu-restricted-extras)

On a PC maybe.. what about on other devices, android, iphone, ARM
based netbooks, WII, PS3, Cable Box's, TV's, the next "super  cool
device not invented yet" etc etc, some of these devices ether don't
have flash or its so outdated as to be useless.

It seems html5 is being more driven by alternative net devices then
traditional desktops.

"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely
pointless. " - Calven

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