Really quiet
Amedee Van Gasse (ub)
amedee-ubuntu at
Fri Mar 26 10:51:44 GMT 2010
On Fri, March 26, 2010 08:24, Christopher Chan wrote:
> On Friday, March 26, 2010 01:53 PM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
>> On Fri, 19 Mar 2010 04:42:59 +0000
>> Liam Proven<lproven at> wrote:
>>> As for rearranging the title-bar buttons - well, I think it's foolish,
>>> but really, I can't get all that worked-up about it. It's just some
>>> buttons. Fitt's law does /not/ apply - that only works on whole
>>> screens, not on individual windows. However, keeping the buttons
>>> /away/ from the menus seems sensible to me, as does enforcing a split
>>> between the harmless minimize/maximise buttons and the destructive
>>> close button.
>> Do you know what strikes me as funny about the whole title bar button
>> controversy?
> Man, I seem to be missing all the shows.
You're in the wrong time zone.
>> This:
>> (From the Ubuntu CoC<>):
>> "Be collaborative.
>> [...]
>> Our work should be done transparently and we should involve
>> as many interested parties as early as possible. If we decide to take a
>> different approach than others, we will let them know early, document
>> our work and inform others regularly of our progress."
>> "Transparently," involves springing things on the user group (I hesitate
>> to use the term, "community," since it seems to be reserved for Ubu
>> higher-ups) at the last moment before feature freeze?
> You know there is "community" and then there is "the community"
>> Maybe so if we use the jargon file definition:
>> 1.<jargon> Not visible, hidden; said of a system which
>> functions in a manner not evident to the user.
>> But I still have trouble getting that, "If we decide to take a
>> different approach than others, we will let them know early," part to
>> compute.
>> Does it mean early in the morning?
Hoorray and up she rises!
>> Hmm, is there some hypocrisy showing?
>> Could be!
> There was all that yodeling about democracy and meritocracy or something
> lately was there not?
Hypocrisy = meritocracy that claims to be a democracy
>> The whole CoC bit seems to be telling me, "we mean this to refer to
>> ourselves unless we mean it to refer you when you piss us off or when
>> we /don't/ mean it about ourselves because we want to do it
>> differently than we have said that we would."
>> I'm sure I'll take a lot of flak for pointing this out, too.
> That should liven things up a bit here. /me goes get tacos and guacamole.
Oh nom nom nom nom nom...
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